“Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die,
Life is a broken winged bird
That cannot fly.”
- Langston Hughes
For many, retirement over the past couple of decades has morphed into a dynamic dream-realizing landscape. No longer is it considered to be the end of a career and therefore life; now it’s a beginning, an opportunity to reinvent yourself and rediscover long lost pursuits and passions. Along with lengthening life spans come renewed chances to explore areas long forgotten.
Some retirees mix leisure activities with targeted business endeavors, often for the intellectual stimulus far more than any monetary benefit. In this sense it’s interesting how goals change. What we pursued in our youth—status, money, new mates; in other words, outward signs of success—now takes a back seat to a different set of priorities. When we get in line with what’s of real value to us, our energy can be redirected toward this new set of inner goals. Those that fulfill a deeper sense of self and purpose in the world we live in. The key is to recognize and let go of the old goals and values and to let in the new ones. To be true to our authentic selves which we now have the time to express and explore.
In order to weather the storms life flings at us as we age, it’s absolutely vital to understand and pursue what gives real meaning to our lives. We can be waylaid by health, family, economic recession—you name it and life can throw it at you. By doing what gives us a deep seated feeling of worthwhileness, it’s that much harder to dent the positive attitude and happiness that inevitably follows.
Consider the following in your route to pursuing your passion:
Ø Face your fears, whether of criticism, poverty, old age, whatever.
Ø Seek out people who are already doing what you want to do.
Ø Ignore and avoid negative people.
Ø Get rid of extra stuff in your life. It just clutters up what’s really important to you.
Ø Stay away from people who drain your energy.
Ø Exercise, meditate or pray, eat right, and get enough sleep—in other words, feel good.
Ø Write down your goals.
Ø Get the people you love on board with your pursuits.
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